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6 Aug

The wonderful people at TEDxRiodelaPlata invited me to give a talk in their event for a younger audience (16 to 21). And what a fantastic audience it was, thousands wanted to get in but “only” 1200 could, and they were curious, open-minded, relentless and warmhearted. I had wonderful talks with them in the intervals. It was a colorful party, for the mind and soul.

Giving this talk wasn’t as easy as I though. The subject, which I care very deeply about, is our knowledge of health but it also involved the sad memory of my father’s illness. Once I was on stage, and received the energy in the room, I felt better and better. I stayed throughout the event and saw most of the talks. It was really enjoyable and left me with a feeling of hope.

Here is the video of the talk in spanish,it has english subtitles too:

Do check out the other talks in their web site, I thought they were awesome

My dad, according to Sofia

19 Apr

My dad, Luis Nofal, passed away on March 31st, 2010. He was a great father and grandfather.
Above all, he was a great man. I will write about him in the future, the pain is to fresh to be able to contain it in words just yet.
I will always remember him.
My niece Sofia Mendiondo wrote these words and read them at the funeral. I am posting them in spanish and in english (my translation doesn’t do complete justice to it, but bear with me):
El hombre de las mil y un sorpresas,
Siempre apareciendo con una idea nueva,
Mostrándonos que los brazos cruzados no son bienvenidos,
Que siempre hay algo más por hacer,
Y que el esfuerzo y la felicidad van de la mano.

Aquel que nos enseña tanto,
Y a la vez comprende que no podemos aprender todo;
El hombre con los tiempos perfectos,
Pero a la vez ajustados y sin descanso.

La persona más admirada del mundo;
De  una manera ambigua,
Siendo pocos, o ninguno, los que intentarían ser como el,
Pudiendo seguir sus ritmos,
Manteniendo su fuerza;
Convirtiendo cada idea en un hecho.

Un ser que en cada una de sus identidades múltiples,
Desempeña el mejor papel;
Como hijo, él mas sujetador;
Como padre, él más comprensivo y sostenedor;
Como marido, el más bueno;
Como alumno, él más aplicado;
Como profesional, él mejor negociador;
Como abuelo, el más atento, bueno, comprensivo, divertido, confiable, inteligente;

Lo más maravilloso y apreciable de él es,
Su bondad infinita;
Sus ganas de vivir,
De cumplir objetivos,
De conseguir cambios;
Estando así, en una lucha constante por el logro;

Siempre alcanzando de una manera u otra,
Finales felices,
Objetivos cumplidos;

Porque, para los que no lo conocen,
mi nono siempre,
pero siempre,

Translation(note: nono means granddaddy):
The man with the one thousand and one surprises,
Always appearing with a new idea,
Showing us that having your arms crossed is not welcomed,
That there is always something more to do,
And that effort and happiness go hand in hand. 

He who teaches us so much,
And at the same time knows we can’t learn it all;
The man with the perfect times,
But at the same time tight and relentless.

The most admired person in the world;
But in an ambiguous way,
Being few, or no one, who would try to be like him,
Being able to follow his rythm,
Having his strengh;
Turning every idea into reality.

Someone who, in his multiple identities,
Plays the best role;
As a son, the most clinging;
As a father, the most understanding and supporting;
As a husband, the best;
As a pupil, the most applied;
As a professional, the best negotiator;
As a grandfather, the most attentive, good, understanding, fun, trustworthy, smart;

The most wonderful and notable in him is,
His infinite generosity;
His will to live,
To attain objectives,
To achieve changes;
Always  like this, in a constant struggle for achievement;

Always reaching, in one way or another,
Happy endings,
Objectives met;

Because, for those who don’t know him,
mi nono always,
but always,